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Deutsche Welle to present Beethovenfest to the world

Germany’s international broadcaster Deutsche Welle (DW) is promising offer audiences worldwide a wealth of content to mark the Beethovenfest, Bonn in 2013.

Features in up to 30 languages are planned for television, radio, online and as podcasts.

Audiences can expect coverage that includes TV segments, portraits of musicians and reports from the festival, as well as a multimedia project orchestrated by a diverse team of journalists in training.

DW will distribute recordings of the concerts to rebroadcasting partners, including stations in the USA, Russia, Turkey and South America.

In Bonn, DW will take part in the festival’s public viewing at the central market square. A moderated stage program followed by a live concert transmission is slated to begin on September 27.

The concert features the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie Bremen with conductor Paavo Järvi.