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ABU on target to create a Pan-Asia Pacific content market

More than 100 broadcasting and content specialists representing 40 countries came together in Kuala Lumpur this week to set out a blueprint for a Pan Asia-Pacific content market.

During the two days, the ABU-organised high-level forum engaged the region’s broadcasting, production and content development industries and lay the foundations for the inaugural ABU TV Program Market from 2014.

ABU Secretary-General Javad Mottaghi said he was very pleased with the level of engagement and support from all the stakeholders for a regional market and that the Forum proved to be a very effective platform to harness ABU members’ and partners’ experience in in such a venture.

“Yes, there were informed discussions and lively debates among experts from throughout the Asia-Pacific and beyond, but the real work was in creating from the ground up a plan, timelines, budgets and infrastructure for a real, living, breathing content market that the ABU will take forward from next year on.

“Our member and partners demonstrated that they know best what they want in a TV marketplace and they have told us what will work and what we should aim for to make this a sustainable event with a long-term future,” Dr Mottaghi said.

The ABU represents more than 250 members in the most diverse region of the world. “This diversity, innovation and cooperative spirit of mutual help which has sustained the ABU for nearly 50 years will underpin and sustain a Pan-Asian TV Market into the foreseeable future”, Dr Mottaghi added.