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Japan Prize calls for outstanding TV Proposals

The Japan Prize recognises the highest quality educational TV programs and websites and in its40th edition the organisers are hoping for record number of entries, particularly in the TV Proposals Division.

The TV Proposals Division supports producers in countries and regions with limited budgets and technical facilities, to realize their vision to produce and broadcast outstanding programmes.  Awarded organizations are then expected to produce the programme within the year following receipt of the award and to report on the program’s achievements.

In 2012, this Division received 26 proposals from 13 countries/regions and five proposals were selected for the final presentation.

The Best Proposal Award – The Hoso Bunka Foundation Prize which includes a cash award of US$8,000 – went to a proposal from Joining Hands Nepal called ‘Believe in yourself’; and the Special Prize – the National Federation of UNESCO Associations in Japan Prize (US$3,000) went to Radio y Television de Colombia for its ‘Kids, Camera, Action’ proposal.

More information on this Division of the Japan Prize, including eligibility & rules is available at

Deadline for all entries is 30 June.