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Unions welcome progress made on WIPO Broadcasters’ Treaty

After the closing of the inter-sessional meeting of the Standing Committee for Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR) at WIPO on 12 April, the ABU and its six partner associations co-signed a statement welcoming progress made towards agreement on terms of the Broadcasters’ Treaty.

“We were happy to participate in the three-day intersessional meeting at WIPO. We welcome the conclusion by the chair of the meeting, Ms Alexandra Graziola of the Swiss Intellectual Property Office, that good progress was made towards agreeing the terms of a treaty updating the rights of broadcasters in their signals. We look forward to building on this progress at the next meeting of the SCCR later this summer, so as to meet the SCCR’s commitment to work towards a Diplomatic Conference in 2014.”

The statement was signed by the following seven regional broadcasting associations, representing more than 2000 broadcasters all over the world:

ABU (Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union)
ACT (Association of Commercial Television in Europe)
AIR-IAB (International Association of Broadcasting)
AUB-UAR (African Union of Broadcasting)
EBU (European Broadcasting Union)
NAB (National Association of Broadcasters)
NABA (North American Broadcasters Association)