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India plans for HDTV & mobile TV services

India’s state broadcaster Doordarshan (DD) is to install multiplex transmitters in 630 locations to support high definition and mobile TV services in addition to standard definition TV, reports.

India’s Information and Broadcasting Ministry is also reportedly in discussion with the Department of Telecommunications to release more UHF band V spectrum.

The 630 digital transmitters will consist of 230 high power and 400 low power transmitters, while 40 digital transmitters for standard definition TV and four high definition digital transmitters will be established soon.

DD is requesting spectrum in Band-IV (470-582MHz) and eight channels in Band-V (582-646 MHz). It also has been assigned spectrum for two carriers in the 700MHz band for mobile video links and Channel 54 for digital terrestrial transmitters in the four major metro cities.

The ministry now estimates that 96MHz of spectrum or more will be required by four operators planning to offer mobile TV services.