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ABU Technology seeks training needs of members

The ABU Technical Bureau is to survey the training needs of members.

The bureau wants to streamline the training activities of the union’s Technology Department to serve members more effectively. The research will be carried out by the Training and Services Area of the Study Topics set up by the ABU Technical Committee.

The Bureau meeting in Kuala Lumpur on 9-10 May 2013 also decided to establish a technical activity fund to support the training needs of members and it voted to survey broadcasters to understand better why the take-up of digital radio has been slow in the Asia-Pacific.

The mid-year meeting of the Bureau, headed by Technical Committee Chairman Dato’ Haji Abu Bakar Ab Rahim of RTM-Malaysia, was attended by 19 delegates who reviewed activities carried out by ABU Technology since their Seoul meeting in 2012.

ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi thanked members of the Bureau for their efforts in continuously improving the services offered to members; reports highlighted 26 study projects currently underway.

Other areas discussed included a common baseline Metadata Schema for archiving and item exchange, a review to update the World Broadcasting Unions’ Digital Radio Guide and an examination of the common elements of hybrid broadcasting platforms to provide guidance for broadcasters in the region.

The Technical Bureau is an 18-member board elected by the ABU Technical Committee and meets twice a year to monitor the technical activities of the Union.