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TVNZ’ appoints new head of news and current affairs

TV New Zealand has announced the appointment of one of its most experienced senior news people as the company’s new Head of News and Current Affairs.

John Gillespie, who is currently the Editor of Daily Programmes, will take up his new position from 24 June 2013.

TVNZ chief executive Kevin Kenrick says it’s extremely pleasing to appoint a leader with an unquestioned commitment to New Zealand and to TVNZ.

“John is well-known and respected in the industry for his editorial experience and has a thorough understanding of the multi-media environment our news team now works in.”

Mr Gillespie has been with TVNZ for 16 years. He says: “I have a real pride in working in this business and working for TVNZ. We are the industry leader for news and current affairs – and with that comes a significant responsibility to our viewers up and down the country. Personally, I’m looking forward to being an even bigger part of setting our editorial direction. I’m committed to delivering outstanding news and current affairs that calls on the special talents of the people we have here.” 

Before joining TVNZ, he worked for five years at Canterbury Television as a reporter and later as news editor. He was a producer for the launch of TVNZ’s Breakfast in 1997. He subsequently produced a number of high profile shows before he was appointed Editor of Current Affairs in 2007. His most recent appointment was Editor of Daily Programmes in 2012.