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‘Social TV’ has the potential to become a major business in its own right

So says a report by Business Insider magazine’s Business Intelligence on ‘The Rise of Social TV’, which has also concluded that TV-watching and social media usage are not mutually exclusive, The Drum reports.

“Consumers appear to love using social media while they watch TV. Many discuss what they’re watching, and these conversations continue long after air-time, with TV-linked chatter accounting for a significant percentage of overall social media activity,” the magazine reported.

It adds that advertisers aim should be: “not to compete with social media, but to use it so that televised shows, events, and ad campaigns won more audience and audience participation.”

“Social TV is already here,” it said, “it’s already an established habit with audiences around the world, with majorities of social media users saying they routinely comment about TV shows or events. Activity has grown hand-in-hand with the mobile explosion.”

“Applied well, social TV can create a positive feedback loop for generating ultra-sticky TV programming and multi-screen ad campaigns.”

It concludes that Twitter is the lead platform for applied social TV use and interactions.