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A TV network for pets, while they guard the house

In a first of its kind, dogs will get a TV network of their very own in the USA starting with the nationwide launch of Jasmine TV’s DOGTV in August.

Forbes magazine reports that for $USD4.99 per month, dog owners will be able to tap into programming that will allow their pets to be entertained while in the house alone, indoors.

According to DOGTV CEO Gilad Neumann the concept can also act as a cure for the gnawing emotional distress that many housebound animals experience.

“Dogs spend many hours alone at home every day,” says Neumann. “As we work harder and both household members usually go out to work, dogs spend a lot more time at home. They’re very lonely, they’re bored, they suffer from separation-anxiety often and people look for solutions.”

Pet experts have long recommended that pet owners leave televisions or radios on for their lonely animals, said Neumann, and now there are shows optimized to grab hold of the animal’s attention,” he added.