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Global News Forum speakers confront challenges of new media era

Asia-Pacific news broadcasters are meeting in less than two months to find new ways of attracting and keeping global audiences.

Senior news leaders from the region and around the world will be attending a Global News Forum in September in Seoul organised by the ABU and the Korean Broadcasting System (KBS).

Headlined ‘Breaking the News in the Media 3.0 Era’, the forum will bring together experts from around the world to discuss the current challenges faced by broadcasters in the digital and online age.

ABU’s Director of News, Mr Se Deuk Ahn, said that with the axis of change and innovation swinging toward the Asia-Pacific, media organisations in the region “strive to amplify the impact of their views and outlook around the world”.

“To this end, major news organisations in the region have established international news networks that adopt and implement the tools of the digital media revolution and seek ways to overcome the barriers of language and cultural differences,” Mr Ahn said, adding “how can Asia-Pacific media organisations develop their news values to ensure that once they capture the ears of global consumers, they keep listening?”

The Forum, which has already attracted an impressive list of speakers, will be held in the 63 Convention Centre in central Seoul back-to-back with the annual ABU News Group Meeting.

Speakers include: Richard Porter, Controller of English for BBC Global News; Jed Simmons, Global Head of YouTube News Partnership; Jeff Dubin, Head of News & Events for Eurovision; Nick Wrenn, Vice President of Digital Services for CNN International; Mark Little CEO of Storyful; Debra Soon, Managing Director of Channel News Asia (CNA); Alexey Nikolov, Managing Director of Russia Today and João Francisco Pinto, Portuguese News and Program Controller at TDM Macau.

More information on speakers can be found here and registration is available on the GNF website.