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Cooperation key to securing media future in Asia-Pacific, news leader says

One of the Asia-Pacific’s news leaders has called for greater cooperation to secure the future for broadcasting in the region.

Debra Soon, Managing Director TV for Channel NewsAsia, issued the call in the run-up to the region’s first Global News Forum, to take place in Korea on 5-6 September 2013.

“Of course we all compete with each other, but we must also cooperate for the future” she says. “It is not about staying relevant; it cannot be. For each of us, it is about staying connected, ahead and future proofing our organisations.”

Ms Soon says she will be attending the Seoul Forum – organised by the ABU and Korean Broadcasting System – as a guest speaker to find out more about the responses, innovations and adaptations people are making in the news business.

“I am sure the participants at this forum will have ideas to share.”

Keynote speaker Richard Porter, Controller of English at BBC Global News, says this is a transformational time for journalism around the world.

“With social media, breaking news and the 24-hour global news cycle, the challenges and opportunities presented to journalists on a daily basis are arguably greater today than ever before,” he says.  “I’m pleased to represent the BBC at the Global News Forum and to talk about the ways we’ve evolved as an organisation, combining our traditional values with contemporary production and platforms.”

The Forum organisers say it is a chance to meet face-to-face with Asia-Pacific and international journalists, tech professionals and other news veterans, and get a hands-on introduction to Korea’s cutting-edge smart device industry.

The Forum can be followed on Twitter @gnf2013  #gnf2013.