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New entry into Malaysia’s pay-TV scene takes on market leader Astro

Malaysia’s sole digital cable operator ABNxcess is challenging Astro’s domination of the country’s pay TV market, with its cost-effective value propositions.

Digital News Asia reports that despite Astro’s domination of the pay TV market in Malaysia, start-up ABNxcess has thrown its hat into the ring, investing more than USD 30 million so far, confident that it can offer the market a value proposition that is still lacking, backed by its choice of delivery platform – digital cable TV.

ABNxcess commissioned research in the Malaysian market revealed that the price point of content was still a major hurdle for many, with variety of content also an issue.

“That is why the pay TV market here has plateaued at around 50% market share,” says ABNxcess chief executive officer Sreedhar Subramaniam.

“Our study shows that if you get the price point for pay TV to below RM30 (USD 10), the penetration will go up to 75%,” he adds.

ABNxcess’ is offering a package cost of RM29.99 with 58 channels, which in Sreedhar’s words, “is taking off like cats and dogs.”

ABNxcess has only 1,000 customers in the first month since its July 1 launch, but the company is confident it can hit 100,000 customers by the end of this year.