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Australian series ‘Head First’ gets crowd-sourced

One of ABC2’s highest rating commissioned series, Head First, will return for a second series and feature an Australian television first – a crowd-sourced documentary – with the content of one episode to be decided and shaped by the Australian public.

Head First presenter and filmmaker, Sabour Bradley, says the idea came after an overwhelming public response to stories in the first series.

“After the first episode I started getting all these emails from people either suggesting subjects for a second series or asking to meet and pitch their doco ideas in person,” he said. “I’d been mulling over the idea of crowdsourcing anyway, so I got together with my fellow producer John Molloy and said what if we throw it open to the people? He was immediately onboard.”

Molloy says ABC2 was thrilled and terrified by the idea. “That element of jumping out into the unknown makes television executives very nervous,” said Molloy. “But it’s also where the potential genius comes from. So now let’s see what the public can do,” he added.