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Vietnam PM to address upcoming ABU General Assembly

The Prime Minister of Vietnam will deliver the keynote address at the opening ceremony of the ABU General Assembly later this month.

Mr Nguyễn Tấn Dũng will welcome several hundred ABU members, other industry professionals and guests to Hanoi for the Union’s 50th General Assembly on 28 October 2013.

Mr Nguyen will speak about the role of the media in the 21st Century and the work of the country’s national broadcaster and conference host in Vietnam and the region.

ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi said the Union was honoured that the Prime Minister had accepted their invitation to speak at the opening.

The Government, VTV and people of Vietnam are very committed to hosting a successful ABU General Assembly,” Dr Mottaghi said.

“They last hosted a GA eight years ago and have been keen for us to return ever since. We thank the Prime Minister for his country’s generosity in both hosting the 50th GA and also in his agreeing to speak at the opening.”

Dr Mottaghi said that with three weeks to go before the first events of the pre-GA schedule of meetings and workshops started on 23 October, registrations were already numbering 500 and rising.

“It will be a landmark event,” Dr Mottaghi said. “I urge members and other concerned about the media in the Asia-Pacific to register as soon as possible.”

He said the conference program was packed with events for all interests and that while the ABU would have plenty of practical work to undertake at meetings of program, planning, technical, sport, radio and administrative committees, councils and working parties, there would also be many opportunities for debating issues of crucial importance during the special seminars, Super Panels and Professional Discussion sessions.

“We will also celebrate programming excellence through the annual ABU Prizes and, of course, for the second year we will have some of the best talent from the Asia-Pacific performing in the gala concert of the ABU TV Song Festival.”