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Al Jazeera to launch new global online news channel

Global news broadcaster Al Jazeera says it will launch a new, dedicated online news channel in the next few months.

Digital TV Europe reports that Al Jazeera is currently referring to the channel internally as AJ+ and the broadcaster says that it aims to use the service to engage a “passionate online generation in new forms of storytelling.”

Discussing the move at Cannes TV market MIPCOM, Al Jazeera’s innovation and incubation manager Moeed Ahmad said: “There is a generation of people who wants to go beyond the box. They instinctively turn online to consume news. They share, like, tweet, comment, interact and forward. To reach them requires a fresh approach.”

Yaser Bishr, Al Jazeera’s executive director for strategy and development added: “News consumption habits are changing. Al Jazeera, through this channel, demonstrates a commitment to innovation by creating a new digital destination for journalism. Its content will grab attention, captivate, and empower global conversations.”