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BBC Director-General outlines his vision for the future of the BBC

In his first major speech since returning to the BBC in April, Director-General Tony Hall said he will create a BBC that is more simply run, with a renewed commitment to producing world-class programming and a closer relationship with its audience.

Hall said: “As we head towards our centenary in 2022 I want us to be much more confident about the mission Lord Reith gave us a hundred years before. Still confidently informing, educating and entertaining, but in a much more personalised way. I want a BBC that everyone can be proud of, whose best days lie ahead of it.”

Speaking of the more bespoke service the BBC will offer, Hall added: “I want the BBC of the future to have a much closer relationship with audiences.  We should be treating them like owners, not just as licence-fee payers. People should not be saying ‘the BBC’, but ‘my BBC’, ‘our BBC.’

“Our audiences demand to be involved and expect to participate. In the future they will talk to us and we will listen.”

In a speech delivered in the Radio Theatre of BBC Broadcasting House, Hall unveiled a series of announcements that illustrate this vision. These included upgrades to the BBC iPlayer, more investment in Arts and Digital Creativity, doubling their global audiences by 2022 and a series of audience events around the country.

A new Twitter feed @bbcwherenext will also provide information and updates as events and conversations start over the coming months and in 2014.