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NPTV premières TV-as-a-service

Cloud-computing Platform NPTV has officially launched with the aim of making broadcast television interactive following a demonstration of the technology at IBC 2013.

Rapid TV News reports that NPTV will offer TV-as-a-service on a platform that renders multi-sourced video in real time, with the ability to deliver interactive video to a range of devices, including set-top boxes, smart TVs, smartphones, tablets and PCs.

NPTV will put viewers in the producer’s seat, giving them the capability to view multiple video feeds, live previews, multi-camera viewing, and graphic effects with zero latency.

NPTV will enable viewers to choose how they experience live television events, with the option to view real-time statistics, see the action from preferred camera angles, revisit any angle and point of action they want and post views on social media streams.

“Cloud technology has changed the music and film industry with services such as Spotify and Netflix, and our aim is for NPTV to be the same game changer for the broadcast industry,” NPTV CEO Harri Koponen commented.

“NPTV will dissolve the walls between broadcasters, viewers, content developers and advertisers, offering rich interactive capabilities within TV shows that not only improve the viewer’s experience, but offer businesses and developers a new route to market.”