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ABU and RTM get special praise over Asian Youth Paralympics

The Asian Paralympic Committee has officially thanked the ABU and Radio Televisyen Malaysia for “the magnificent contribution that both organisations are making to ensure the success of the Asian Youth Para Games” currently taking place in Kuala Lumpur.

In a speech at a special dinner at the Marriott Hotel in Putrajaya, APC Secretary-General Ms Malini Rajasagaran thanked host broadcaster RTM for its “professional and creative television production of the Opening Ceremony, and for its continuing and excellent live coverage of the event”.

RTM is providing two hours of coverage each day.

Her comments were echoed by Sir Phillip Craven, President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), who was a special guest at the event. 

“Live coverage on this scale is extremely rare” he said, “and it is of particular satisfaction for me that it is happening for a youth event, and in Asia, which is a very important area for Para organisations to develop”

Ms Rajasagaran also paid special tribute to the ABU for its strong support and advice.

“Since we signed our Memorandum of Understanding with the ABU for it to become our Media Partner, we have learned a lot about the importance of television in the future success for the APC and the events we produce,” she said, making special mention of advice and guidance from the ABU’s Broadcast Advisor, Patrick Furlong.

“Without his hard work and constant input, we would not have achieved what we have achieved so far,” she said.

Sir Phillip added: “What has happened here in Kuala Lumpur, the cooperation between the APC, the ABU and RTM, is a great example of what I hope the global Para movement can achieve on all continents.”

The Asian Youth Para Games will finish on 30 October 2013.