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Judging panel announced for inaugural Pacific Islands digital radio award

The DRM Consortium has announced the judging panel for its inaugural Pacific Islands Enterprise Award for 2014.

The panel includes senior broadcasters from the Pacific Islands Region and technical experts.

They are: Mr Francis Herman, Program Manager, PACMAS, Vanuatu; Mr Shelton Neth, Commissioner and CEO of Pohnpei Public Broadcasting Corporation, Federated States of Micronesia; Ms Linden Clark, Manager of Radio New Zealand International and Ms Nanise Fifita, General Manager, Radio & TV Tonga. DRM is represented by Dr Albert Waal, Head of Hardware Development at RFmondial GmbH.

The award will be presented next year to an individual or an organisation that has promoted Digital Radio Mondiale successfully, applied innovatively and actively introduced DRM in a specific market.

The award was launched officially at the IBC and the 2013 ABU General Assembly in Hanoi.

DRM Consortium Chair, Ruxandra Obreja, says: “This award will be the first of an ongoing series of awards recognising those who are prepared to explore and turn into reality the many benefits of digital radio in particular Digital Radio Mondiale.

“The attractive features of DRM, like data services or the emergency warning functionality offer new opportunities and applications to meet real and urgent needs of people in areas like the Pacific Islands.”

More information on the award can be obtained from .