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ABU provides platform for program exchange between members

At the ABU General Assembly in Hanoi, Vietman, ABU members Independent Television Service (ITVS, USA) and Bangladesh Television (BTV) announced an agreement for BTV to broadcast the ITVS international women and girls series “Women of the World”.

The series features global documentaries that shine a light on the lives of ordinary and extraordinary women and girls on issues of empowerment, gender based violence, maternal health, and girls education.

The series is produced by ITVS International for broadcast in Bangladesh, India, Jordan, Egypt, Malawi, Kenya, Peru, El Salvador and Colombia, with support from USAID and the Ford Foundation. 

M. Hamid, Director General of BTV and Judy Tam, Executive Vice President of ITVS said the BTV broadcast of the series will be accompanied by live screenings and events organized by a Bangladesh Engagement Director in partnership with local NGOs that work to help women and girls in their communities. 

“M. Hamid and Bangladesh Television are important partners for Women of the World,” said Ms. Tam.  “It’s an exciting opportunity to connect their national audience with these compelling stories about women and girls who may live all over the world, but share so many of the same aspirations and challenges.”

The three-year media project will use the tools of broadcast, engagement, and regional content to effectively and positively impact women in countries with positive activities and encourage conversations by NGOs, governmental agencies, and global assistance organizations.