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EBU picks Newtec to upgrade its pan-European news exchange network

The European Broadcasting Union (EBU) signed a multi million-euro contract to deploy Newtec’s satellite multiservice broadcast solution on its pan-European news exchange network.

EBU says Newtec’s new Multiservice Broadcast system solution will be developed in partnership with the Eurovision network engineering teams and implemented to upgrade part of its Eurovision network.

“Our members increasingly demand more content, which is why we selected Newtec to help our network upgrade. This step will further enable us in our mission to defend the interests of public service media,” said Ingrid Deltenre, director general of the European Broadcasting Union.

The system provided by Newtec is an end-to-end solution which complements the full workflow automation in the newsroom environment, with a dedicated and flexible network infrastructure, aimed at maintaining the Eurovision News Exchange as the world’s leading platform for the exchange of quality news content.

“We are pleased to partner with EBU. Our dedication to maximum bandwidth and operational network efficiency is fully aligned with EBU’s aim to deliver the best broadcast services, not only providing efficient transport of video, but really efficient end-to-end workflow support,” added Serge Van Herck, CEO of Newtec.