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Children’s media experts to converge in Kuala Lumpur for Asia’s first WSMC

Registration has opened for the seventh World Summit on Media for Children (WSMC), taking place for the first time in Asia in September this year. More than 1,000 producers, broadcasters, media regulators, educators and community leaders are expected at the event in Malaysia.

In sending out invitations around the world, ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi said the event in Kuala Lumpur from 8-10 September will offer “an important opportunity to evaluate the health of children’s media”.

“The ABU, together with its partners RTM and the World Summit on Media for Children Foundation, is especially proud to be organising this event during our 50th Anniversary year,” he said.

“The Summit aims to address issues such as funding quality content, keeping pace with children’s use of technologies and the gap between the haves and the have nots. As well as shining a light on children’s media, we hope WSMC 7 will create a charter of guiding principles and produce practical outcomes for everyone involved in this crucial field.”

This is the first time the summit will be held in Asia and it will provide a great networking opportunity for content producers, broadcasters, media regulators, media professionals and community leaders committed to a positive change in the quality of media for children in the Asia-Pacific and the world at large.

“Already this Summit is shaping to be one of the most important events of its kind, with more than 100 experts from around the world sharing presentations in 14 conference sessions,” Dr Mottaghi said.

In addition to the main program, the event will feature more than 10 high-level workshops, a number of side events and an extensive exhibition.

“If you and your organisation have anything at all to do with media and children, this World Summit is for you,” Dr Mottaghi added.

The World Summit will be hosted by the Malaysian Ministry of Communications and Multimedia and Radio Television Malaysia (RTM).

Registration details and more information is available at the WSMC website.