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NHK’s drama in Myanmar

NHK’s popular TV drama series featuring the mother of three successful Japanese fashion designers began broadcasting in Myanmar.

The series is based on the true story of Itoko Ohara, the mother of Junko Koshino and her two sisters. The first episode of “Carnation” with Myanmar subtitles went to air last Monday.

The story begins in 1924 when 11-year-old Itoko Ohara becomes interested in making dresses.

Women in Japan at the time were discouraged from forging their own careers.   But Ohara was able to establish herself as a successful fashion designer, despite the many challenges she faced.

Ohara lost her husband during World War Two and raised her three daughters as a single mother. The three were inspired by their mother and became fashion designers known worldwide.

The story was chosen to encourage the Myanmar people, amid the country’s democratization.  

Another Japanese drama, “Princess Atsu” will start broadcasting next month. Officials are hoping more Myanmar people will learn about Japanese culture and points of view via these TV shows.

The TV series is part of events highlighting the 60th anniversary of diplomatic ties between the two countries.