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MEASAT satellite scores a first with 50 HD channels

Malaysia-based MEASAT says it has become the first Asian C-Band satellite platform to exceed 50 high definition channels, confirming the maturing of the HD content business in Asia.

The corporation started offering HD distribution services on its MEASAT-3 satellite in July 2007 and expanded in 2009 with the launch of the collocated MEASAT-3a satellite.

“Working with a select group of channels, technology partners and uplink providers, MEASAT developed a flexible solution for the launch and distribution of HD channels across the Asia-Pacific region,” a spokesperson says. 

Today, MEASAT works with uplink providers, including Encompass Digital Media, Globecast and RRsat America – Global Communications Network. In addition to the channels distributed by the uplink partners, the satellite also supports HD channels uplinked by the channel operator.

Mr Lior Rival, Chief Commercial Officer at RRsat says: “This premium platform is an important part of our value-added media services portfolio that enables our customers to reach more places, in more ways on more devices.”

Mr Paul Brown-Kenyon, Chief Executive Officer of MEASAT says: “We are delighted to be able to celebrate the maturing of the HD segment with the announcement of the 50 HD channels on our platform. We continue to work with our partners and our customers to ensure that our services are tailored for channel operators, and the MEASAT-3/3a satellites are the key HD location for Asian HD content.”