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New paradigm for SBS’s 11th Seoul Digital Forum

This year’s Seoul Digital Forum in Korea hopes to set a new paradigm for media and communications industries. 

Mr Lee Woongmo, President & CEO of Korean national broadcaster SBS, which is organising the forum at the Dongdaemun Design Plaza on 21-22 May 2014, says a key for the future is “innovative wisdom”.

He says the 11th Seoul Digital Forum will convene under the theme Innovative Wisdom: Technology for the Common Good.

“Innovation often stems from the ingenious ideas of an exceptional individual,” he says. “What really powers the ideas to reshape the world, however, is our wisdom, the collective reservoir of human experience. In a yin-yang kind of dynamic balance, innovation and wisdom together have been oiling the wheels of civilization.”

He says that despite advances, the benefits of technology are still far from evenly distributed.

“Digital technology continues to be both a boon and a bane for our society, providing a great source of happiness and a locus of fearful control and surveillance alike,” Mr Lee says.

“We now put forward innovative wisdom as a new paradigm to buttress technological innovations and minimize side effects that they inevitably carry.”

He says 2014 is expected to bring exciting opportunities. The Internet of Everything promises to create new value and wearable technologies are set to be smarter and more human-friendly. He says the open-source culture is better leveraging the wisdom of the crowd and appropriate technology is receiving renewed attention for its simplicity and accessibility.

“What is the innovative wisdom that can help us steer these opportunities in the right direction, and build technologies for the common good?” Mr Lee asks.

“After a decade of identifying and scrutinizing digital trends, the Seoul Digital Forum 2014 now embarks on a new journey towards a more mature, sustainable and collective happiness – and a key to begin our successful journey, we believe, lies in innovative wisdom.

More information is available at the Seoul Digital Forum website.