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Preparations underway for 2015 Eurovision Song Contest in Austria

With fans still buzzing from the excitement of this month’s Eurovision Song Contest final, EBU has started its 2015 preparations with next year’s host, Austrian broadcaster ORF.

The preliminary dates for the 60th anniversary Eurovision Song Contest are 12, 14 and 16 of May.

Jon Ola Sand, Executive Supervisor at the EBU said “we appreciate the early invitation for this kick-off meeting, which shows ORF’s commitment to a successful Eurovision Song Contest in 2015. The foundation of that success is an early start, and we are looking forward to the challenge ahead.”

ORF Director General Dr Alexander Wrabetz added: “With a major international event such as the Eurovision Song Contest, it is important not to lose time and to start the preparation work. In this sense, we also have already started initial discussions – just a week after the victory. All are highly motivated and with the EBU, we have a top professional partner on our side. It is sure that a mega project of this magnitude can only be realised as a pan-Austrian cooperation between ORF, the state, municipal and private partners.”