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EBU GA: Members need a strong voice more than ever

The European Broadcasting Union’s (EBU) 72nd General Assembly has opened in Naples, Italy.

The two-day event is hosted by Italy’s public broadcaster RAI, whose President Anna-Maria Tarantola, stressed the importance of public service media (PSM) in helping to build a more democratic and economically sound society. 

EBU President Jean-Paul Philippot officially opened the Assembly. He said that the EBU’s Executive Board had placed enormous focus in the last six months on developing a common strategy for the future of the EBU with the Vision2020 project.

The President also said members need the Union now more than ever before. 

“As events in Greece demonstrated, PSM and EBU Members need a strong voice to represent and defend their interests. The EBU reacted promptly and effectively to this crisis thanks to the active support from Members, and their commitment in this affair demonstrated that the EBU has unexploited potential when Members become more actively engaged.”

The President highlighted the promotion of distinctiveness as a key aspect of EBU’s PSM Values. He outlined that this is inextricably linked to the Union’s lobbying activities, which remain a priority. “The Values process provides us with a valuable shield to protect us and promote our cohesion in the face of global competitors with financial resources that far exceed our own,” Mr Philippot said.