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Iran and Azerbaijan to increase media cooperation.

Senior media leaders in Iran and Azerbaijan have agreed to increase cooperation between their two countries.

The Azerbaijan Republic’s Minister for Communication and Information Technology, Ali Abbasov, met the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting, Ezatollah Zarghami, during a visit to Iran.

At the meeting, Mr Abbasov said bilateral relations in the field of media hinged on mutual respect in programs produced and that Baku will not authorise channels that worked against Iran.

He also called for greater media exchanges between the two countries.

In turn, IRIB’s President said Iran’s state broadcaster sought to better use the capabilities of both countries to increase media cooperation.

He added that Azerbaijan could also use Iran’s advances in making films, series, animations, documentaries and music.

Mr Zarghami and Mr Abbasov agreed that Iran’s Sabalan channel and Azerbaijan’s AZ TV would work together on greater media cooperation between the two countries.

At the end of the meeting, Mr Abbasov visited sections of IRIB.