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4K UHD, HD HEVC to reign in India’s TV industry

India’s networking a comms company Broadcom says the country’s cable industry will soon embrace 4K and HD high efficiency video codec (HEVC) set-top-boxes as it is future-proof technology.

“4K TVs will soon become very affordable to a larger set of people. In US, 4K TV was priced at USD 10,000 two years back and it is now available for USD 1000,” says Rajiv Kapur, Managing Director at Broadcom India.

NexTVAsia reports that until recently, more than 70-80 per cent of Indian market was driven by standard definition with only around 15 per cent being high definition viewers.

“The consumer STB upgrade cycle in India is currently 5-10 years. With growing consumer expectations this upgrade cycle will shorten and more customers will move from SD to HD,” adds Rajiv Kapur in an exclusive interview with Dataxis.