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New head of KBS came up through the ranks

Korean public broadcaster KBS has appointed as its President and CEO a man who first joined the network more than 35 years ago.

Mr Cho Dae-hyun became KBS’s 21st President and CEO with his appointment by South Korean President Park Geun-hye on the recommendation of the Korean Broadcasting System Board of Governors.

In an inauguration ceremony, Mr Cho spoke of his vision for KBS as a public service broadcaster that meets the wants and needs of audiences. He called attention to the previous achievements of KBS and called for even greater innovation and programming creativity to continue the success.

“We should ask ourselves, is KBS important to the lives of our audience,” he said. “My vision for KBS is to be a broadcaster the nation wants and needs. We have to take a new and innovative direction in programming. Creativity should run through our content and our organization.”

Mr Cho joined KBS as a TV producer in 1978 and has since held key positions including foreign correspondent in Tokyo, Executive Director of Culture & Information, Executive Managing Director of TV Division, Executive Vice President of KBS and President of KBS Media. He also held a Chair Professorship at Soon Chun Hyang University.

Born in 1953, Mr Cho studied history at Korea University. He will serve as President and CEO until November 2015.