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Online Copyright Infringement Discussion Paper released in Australia

The Australian Government released the Online Copyright Infringement Discussion Paper and asked for public submissions on the proposals designed to address online piracy.

Australia has one of the highest rates of online copyright piracy in the world. This has a significant impact on Australia’s creative industries, including music, television, cinema, software, broadcast and publishing industries, which employ more than 900,000 people and generates more than AUD $90 billion in economic value each year.

The ease with which copyrighted content can be digitised and distributed online means there is no easy solution to preventing online copyright infringement. International experience has shown that a range of measures are necessary to reduce piracy and ensure that we can continue to take full advantage of the legitimate opportunities to create, provide and enjoy content in a digital environment.

The Australian Government’s preference is to create a legal framework that will facilitate industry cooperation to develop flexible and effective measures to combat online piracy. This Discussion Paper seeks the views of the public and stakeholders on proposals to establish such a legal framework.

The Government expects that consumer interests will be taken into account in the development of any industry scheme or commercial arrangements.