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Two forums will be among highlights of 2014 ABU General Assembly

Two special forums on disaster preparedness and women in media will be among highlights of workshops in the run-up to this year’s ABU General Assembly in Macau.

A two-day workshop Saving Lives: Preparing for Disasters will take place on 21-22 October 2014.

Organisers say this Continuing Conversations on Communications for Disaster Preparedness in the Asia-Pacific Region will provide a platform for media practitioners and representatives of national Met Offices and Disaster Management Agencies to exchange experiences and showcase best practices in working together. Special focus of the discussion will be the responsibilities of media before, during, immediately after and between disasters and establishing efficient communication for disaster risk reduction.

The ABU@50 Turning the Tide high level forum incorporating the ABU Gender Mainstreaming Project and the Women with the Wave Series initiative, will take place on

25 October 2014 at the Conrad Macao in Cotai Central.

Organisers say the forum aims to encourage diversity and inclusion in the media across the Asia-Pacific region through conversations, case studies and resources that promote change and make a difference to the representation and reflection of communities in media workplaces and across content and services. 

Speakers and topics will capture progress to date through the ABU’s Gender Mainstreaming Project, particularly the Broadcasting for All initiatives and the two Women with the Wave forums held in 2012 and 2013 in conjunction with ABU General Assembly activities.

The ABU’s 50th Anniversary General Assembly will take place from 21-28 October in the Special Administrative Region of China. More information and details are available on the ABU General Assembly website.