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Finishing touches being made to Macau General Assembly

The finishing touches are being made for the ABU’s 50th Anniversary General Assembly and associated events, due to start in Macau on 21 October 2014.

The 51st General Assembly is being hosted by the public service broadcaster Teledifusao de Macau (TDM). With a week till the pre-GA workshops and meeting start in the Special Administrative Region of China, more than 550 delegates and guests have already registered.

ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi says the General Assembly will provide a great opportunity for Asia-Pacific broadcasters and others in the media industries to further their progress into the digital media world.

Dr Mottaghi says the Union’s 50th Anniversary General Assembly will provide the chance to look back at what had been achieved in half a century but, more importantly, to look forward to the next five decades.

“This is especially true for media in our region,” he says. “We are now well into the Asian Century and we must provide leadership for the rest of the world.”

He says the focus this year will be on “ABU @ 50 – Future-proofing broadcasting in a fragmented media world”, helping broadcasters large and small among the ABU’s 260-plus membership to meet the challenges of a complex, convergent digital era.

The week-long schedule of events includes meetings of several important ABU bodies in areas such as programming, news, sport, technology and planning, though Dr Mottaghi says many of the attendees will also find fascinating the special seminars, panels and side events. These will include forums on gender equality and disaster risk management.

The GA venue is the Conrad Hotel, with the main accommodation for delegates in the Holiday Inn, located in the same building as the Conrad. The ABU Prizes will take place at Kashgar A-H Ballroom, Sheraton Hotel, Cotai Central, and TV Song Festival Gala will take place in the Sands Theatre, Sands Macau, walking distance from the GA venue.