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ABU Children’s Item Exchange

The ABU Children’s TV Programme Item-Exchange Meeting first started in 1992 and has grown from strength to strength each year. We have seen the steady increase in the number of participants as well as the number of good programmes submitted. The quality of the programmes has improved tremendously partly due to the continuing efforts of the ABU as well as regular participants from member organisations. 

ABU Children’s TV Item-Exchange Meeting 2016

ABU Children’s TV Item Exchange and Meeting will be held from 18-22 July 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand. 

 During this year’s meeting participants will be able to: 

– attend a 2-days interactive workshop on children’s drama production.

– screen their production(s) to fellow participants and representative(s) from Europe Broadcasting Union (EBU)

– receive items from fellow participants and producers that are members of EBU through the Item Exchange mechanism.

Below are the categories that are available for item exchange and screening purposes:

  1. How things are made
  2. Nature & Animals
  3. Children’s Stories (including stories in puppetry, animation & still pictures)
  4. The World Around Us (innovative / experimental items)
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 Past Documentary

For more information, please contact:
Hanizah Mohd Hamzah (Mrs)
Head of TV

Nisa Ahmad (Ms)

