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ABU welcomes new head of ASBU

The ABU has congratulated the Arab States Broadcasting Union for its appointment of Abdelrahim Suleiman as the ASBU’s new Director-General.

Mr Suleiman, who has been Director of the ASBU Technical Department and a prominent member of the WBU-Technical Committee, was appointed at the 34th ASBU General Assembly in Kuwait City. His term will run from 1 January 2015 to December 2018.

ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi congratulated Mr Suleiman on his new position and reconfirmed that the ABU would continue to expand its partnership with the ASBU and ASBU members in news, technology and content exchange.

Mr Suleiman replaces Salah Eddine Maaoui, who served as ASBU Director-General for eight years. Dr Mottaghi expressed his thanks and appreciation to Mr Maaoui and said his was a period in which a lot of common achievements and partnerships had been conducted jointly with ABU and the other Unions, including news exchange.

“In particular it is worth mentioning the campaign within the ITU to ensure spectrum allocation for future broadcasting and his contributions in planning the analogue switch-off for the region,” said Dr Mottaghi.