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Filipinos use two screens to access online

According to a new study by Nielson, 96 percent of Filipinos now use two screens to access online content.

The Nielson Cross-Platform report also found that the Philippines has the second highest penetration of internet TV in the region, after Thailand, Asia Radio Today reports. 

While this may suggest that internet and mobile devices are replacing traditional media, radio has recorded an increase in listenership.

The share of yesterday radio listeners was 62 percent, up from 53 percent last year.

The study also found that online activity is consistent throughout the day on mobile devices and peaks at night on laptops.

This is in contrast to radio listening, which is most popular in the early morning before working hours.

Stuart Jamieson, Managing Director of Nielsen Philippines told Marketing Interactive: “Media owners and brands must deliver enhanced audience engagement with programs and advertising. It has become increasingly more important to understand how people behave across different media.”