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The Bulgarian National Radio celebrates its 80th anniversary

On 25 January 2015, the Bulgarian National Radio (BNR) marked with a gala concert its 80th anniversary. This is the date on which back in 1935 the Bulgarian Tsar Boris III signed a decree declaring the BNR a public institution. Today, 80 years later, the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Rossen Plevneliev awarded the BNR with the Honorary Sign of the President for its outstanding contribution to the promotion of high professional standards in Bulgarian journalism. The award was received by the Director General of the BNR, Mr. Radoslav Yankulov.

This anniversary was an impressive occasion for a solemn and beautiful celebration for the big family of all radio employees and for all Bulgarians whose loyalty as its listeners for several generations has turned this media into a true leader of the radio airwaves. The biggest hall of the National Palace of Culture was crowded by the numerous admirers of the vocal and instrumental music groups of the public media – the Symphony Orchestra, Folk Music Orchestra, Big Band and the singers from the Mixed Choir and Children’s Choir. For many years they have been recognized and applauded by audiences in Bulgaria and the world. The high professional level, rich creative biography and awards that these orchestras and choirs boast, make them leaders in the cultural life of Bulgaria.

At the birthday celebration of the BNR, all these 271 musicians brought to an audience of over five thousand people their fascinating virtuosity and mastery, performing a host of classical and jazz works, as well as pieces from the treasure trove of Bulgarian folklore. The concert included a special song dedicated to the radio, performed by all music groups of the BNR along with the most famous Bulgarian pop singers. The gala evening ended with a performance of the Orthodox hymn “Mnogaya Lyeta” (Polychronion, “For Many Years”) by all musicians and guests of the anniversary event.

Among the special guests were the Director General of the EBU, Mrs. Ingrid Deltenre, and the Secretary General of the ABU Javad Mottaghi, who took part on the following day in the International Conference on Public Radio in Europe – Trends, Challenges and the Way Forward. “Public radio has a future and it goes through the Internet, digitization and improvement of the content of programs, as the key words are “change and flexibility” – that was the main message of radio experts. “The future is in our hands – let’s turn challenges into opportunities!”