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Spectrum: The Broadcasters’ Biggest Asset

Spectrum is finite and scarce but remains indispensable for broadcast media operators and the public at large. At least six presenters commented on the spectrum issue at a time when the broadcasting industry is witnessing unprecedented   transformation in different parts of the world. More networks will need more spectrum.

Delegates coming from nearly 30 countries are enjoying  with the same interest the fourth day of the Digital Broadcasting Symposium 2015 organised by the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union at Istana Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

A whole session this morning focused on the importance of spectrum  in technologies related to  smart phones, satellite, terrestrial TV, internet, print and cable. The audience was also able to take stock of all information on the upcoming ITU World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC-15) scheduled later this year.

Content in High Definition, DVB-T2 Success Stories in Asia-Pacific Region, Clever  Radio for Smart Countries and Cloud Technologies  also attracted many delegates in different conference rooms where two or more sessions were being held simultaneously.

At the same time, the Exhibition held each year as an integral part of the symposium attracted more visitors  not only among the delegates but also from other companies based in the Malaysian capital.

The DBS 2015 ends tomorrow at about 17h30.