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Pay-TV: South Korea, India and Hong Kong almost 100% Penetration

A report from Media Partners Asia (MPA) reveals that India’s Dish TV is the fifth largest pay-TV operator in the world in terms of subscribers, and the second largest in Asia after China’s BesTV.

Althougth payTV is popular in India, the country had a TV household penetration rate of just 62% in 2014, which is expected to increase to 63% in 2015. Of these TV homes, however, 80% subscribe to pay-TV services – a penetration rate only just below those of Korea and  Hong Kong  which have pay-TV penetration of 100% and 89% respectively. Elsewhere in Asia, Indonesia had a TV household penetration of 60% in 2014, while in comparison 100% of homes have at least one television in Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. Australia has 99% TV household penetration and China has 97% – a figure that is expected to rise to 98% in 2015.