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21st ABU Copyright Committee Meeting & Copyright Forum in India

The ABU Copyright Committee members met in New Delhi, India on 25 March 2015 hosted by Doordarshan, Prasar Bharati. The meeting bought together members from the Asia-Pacific region to discuss on critical issues pertaining to broadcasters in the digital economy.

Members elaborated on their positions in reference to the SCCR Broadcasters Treaty document 27/2, including the position of ABU member countries and discussed other issues in copyright. The committee also elected a new Chairperson and Vice chairperson. Yan Bo – Deputy Director of Copyright Management Department, CCTV, China was unanimously elected as the Chairperson and Golamreza Rafiei- Legal Adviser in IRIB was unanimously elected as the Vice Chairperson.

The ABU Copyright Forum was held the next day. Two sessions focused on legal challenges for broadcasters in the digital era and on how technologies such as cloud computing was redefining copyright regulations and especially fair use. A workshop on music rights and collective management was also organised.