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Disaster Risk Reduction: EBU, AUB and ASBU respond positively to ABU’s call in Sendai,Japan

Four of the world’s largest broadcasting alliances have pledged to join forces to create a near-global network committed to reducing the impact of the risk from disaster. The European Broadcasting Union (EBU), the African Union of Broadcasting (AUB) and the Arab States Broadcasting Union (ASBU) have responded to a call from the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU).

The group’s membership spans Europe, Africa, the Arab States and the Asia-Pacific region, making it the largest network of its kind. It reaches billions of people and includes many areas at risk from disaster. The plan is to leverage and channel support among members to raise awareness of the risks before, during and after a disaster strikes.

The formal pledge was issued at the recent Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction in Japan.

As well as the overarching approach, the broadcasters have called on the international community to make concrete commitments and investments. Safeguarding digital terrestrial broadcasting as a reliable information source, engaging media in the development and implementation of policies and providing funding for journalist training and programme content are among those mentioned.