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ABC expands regional Radio Streaming

More Australians will be able to access radio online and on mobile as from 1 July 2015, when ABC radio will stream an additional 14 regional services.

The ABC’s Managing Director, Mark Scott, said the decision to expand regional streaming beyond the Gold Coast and Newcastle builds on the ABC’s 82-year commitment to rural and regional Australia in the digital era.

“From Cairns in the north through to Launceston in the south, regionally produced programs and bulletins will broaden their audiences through the capacity to stream online and on mobile. The roll-out is being funded through efficiencies from across the organisation and forms part of the ABC’s strategy of putting audiences at the centre.” Mr Scott said.

Mr Scott added  the ABC’s commitment to regional Australia also extends to the creation of its new division – ABC Regional – unifying the Corporation’s radio and news gathering capacity to provide a comprehensive and high quality service for its audiences. ABC Regional which will be operational on 1 July 2015 has a newly appointed Director,Fiona Reynolds.