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ABU and OIC explore avenues of Cooperation

A delegation of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), led by its Secretary-General Dr Iyad Ameen Madani, visited the ABU Headquarters on 15 April. 

During the meeting between the OIC delegation and ABU Secretariat senior management team, the ABU Secretary-General, Dr Javad Mottaghi, highlighted the Union’s activities. He explained that ABU is reaching through its network of 274 members in 67 countries the diverse audiences of Asia-Pacific. The two Secretary- Generals recalled that 21 countries are members of both ABU and OIC. ABU Directors of Technology, Sports and News also gave a brief overview of the main responsibilities of their respective department.

Dr Madani stated that broadcasting is very important for the OIC and his organisation would like to have a long-term partnership with the ABU in media initiatives for peace-building, women empowerment, climate change and disaster literacy  initiatives. Other areas of possible collaboration are minority rights, children and youth, and sport programmes.

The OIC delegation was in Kuala Lumpur to hold official bilateral talks with the Malaysian government. 

The OIC is an international organisation founded in 1969 and consists of 57 member states. Known as “the collective voice of the Muslim world”, the OIC works to promote international peace and harmony. Based in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, it has permanent representatives to the United Nations and the European Union.