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Strengthening ties between ABU and CCTV

Mr NIE Chenxi, Vice Minister of State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SAPPRFT) & President of CCTV met the Secretary General of the ABU, Dr Javad Mottaghi on 8 May 2015 in Beijing. Mr Nie Chenxi and Dr Mottaghi agreed that CCTV and ABU are experiencing an important stage of development and there is a sound foundation for the two organisations to strengthen the partnership. Mr Nei Chenxi said CCTV is willing to deepen the relation between the two organisations and to increase the participation of CCTV at various ABU events. Dr Mottaghi emphasized that CCTV is an important member of the ABU and plays an important role in international partnership and in supporting ABU’s goal of developing media environment in the region. He said the ABU was looking forward to the continued leadership of members like CCTV for progressive growth in the future.

CCTV is hosting the 56th ABU Sports Group Conference and Associate Meetings from May 7-9, 2015 where over 75 participants have come together to discuss on the future for the ABU sports group.