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ABU RadioAsia Conference and Radio Song Festival to be kicked-off next week in Yangon Myanmar

Radio broadcasting experts from the Asia-Pacific and beyond are meeting in Yangon from 28 to 30 May 2015 to look at the creativity of radio and new opportunities for the radio industry.

The annual event, organized by the ABU in partnership this year with Myanmar Radio and Television (MRTV) brings together leading radio media practitioners, communication specialists, policy makers, and academics from public service, community and commercial radio across the Asia-Pacific and beyond.

As the only international radio programming conference of its kind in the Asia-Pacific, the RadioAsia2015 continues to grow with an impressive lineup of speakers. The conference will be opened by the Union Minister of Information of the Republic of Myanmar, His Excellency Mr U Ye Htut.

ABU Secretary-General Dr Javad Mottaghi and Ms Joan Warner, CEO of Commercial Radio Australia and World DMB Forum Vice-Chair will also address the delegates.  Neil Curry, Director of Beyond Broadcasting-UK, Ovidiu Miculescu, President Director General- Radio Romania, Yoko Satake, Managing Producer of NHK World Radio Japan and Fayyaz Sheheryar, Director General All India Radio, India will be among the speakers at the Conference .

“The radio industry faces competition from other media”, says Tatsuhiro Beniko, ABU’s Director of Programming. “Radioasia2015 Conference will be an ideal pace to deliberate over the power of radio and for networking with radio broadcasters in the region.”

Vijay Sadhu, the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union’s Senior Executive for Radio and conference organiser, expects the Yangon conference to emulate the success of RadioAsia2014 in Colombo which attracted a large number of participants. She says radio continues to play an important role and retains its popularity around the region. 

The 3rd ABU Radio Song Festival will also take place in Yangon on 29 May, the second day of the conference. This is a highly rated event which brings together radio singers from different countries of the region and who will perform at a gala performance event. This is a unique cultural event which exposes the hidden singing talent in the region, providing opportunities for their advancement.