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ABU Music Exchange takes off

Music Exchange is a new ABU activity due to start soon. Agreements on the scope and methodology of operation of this new initiative were reached yesterday in Yangon, Myanmar among several ABU members participating in 2015 RadioAsia Conference. Radio Romania was nominated by members to play an important role in the music exchange project.

Expressing positive sentiments on the success of the Music Exchange, Mr Ovidiu Miculescu, President Director General, Radio Romania said, “Music exchange is like an exchange of national culture. Music is part of common language of radio as we are separated by barriers of language”.

ABU Secretariat developed an Internet-based platform for music exchange where content will be easily accessible to members.

Additionally, the participants decided to initiate a new project to set up a CD dedicated to the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, by collecting from each interested member one music item per country part of this world heritage.