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SVOD in Asia-Pacific: Nearly 70 million homes to access the service in four years

Subscription video on demand (SVoD) is a service that allows users to get unlimited access to a wide range of programmes for a monthly flat rate. The users can decide when to start the programme. They can also pause, fast forward, rewind and stop the show as preferred. It is pay TV programming, and includes TV series and block-buster movies, but with no programming schedule. Top-quality content is available anytime, on demand, directly on the user’s TV set. Content is also frequently updated.

A Digital TV Research report reveals that there will be 68.83 million SVOD homes across the Asia Pacific by 2020, four times the 17.1 million in the region last year. Japan, China, Korea and India will dominate the market in five years. Japan will remain the region’s biggest SVOD territory, with 20.5 million homes by 2020, as compared with just under 10 million this year. The Chinese market is expected to surge, rising to 12.3 million by 2020. This will make it the region’s second-largest SVOD market, ahead of Korea, where the number of SVOD homes will rise from just under 8 million this year to 10.2 million in 2020. In distant fourth will be India, rising from 2.6 million to 8.9 million. The number of Australian SVOD homes should hit 3.3 million in 2020. Indonesia is expected to see dramatic growth from 378,000 to 3 million in the next five years. By 2020, Digital TV Research forecasts that 7.7 percent of AsiaPac’s TV households will subscribe to an SVOD service.

In terms of SVOD revenues, the report forecasts an increase from $1 billion in 2014 to $4.8 billion in 2020.