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ABU teams up with ITU and NBTC-Thailand on Mobile Television Services

Rapidly advancing device and mobile technologies bring many challenges to broadcasters. Especially in Asia-Pacific region (APAC) broadband penetration is growing despite it is at a low rate. Combined these two scenarios, the telcos who dominate both of those domains in a commanding situation as they are more influential and in control of those domains.

Advances in devices, connectivity and better broadband access are changing the way people consume media. Though rate of decline is quite low for DTT at this moment, over the years situation may change.

Broadcasters need to cater for media consumption since a wide range of devices (ubiquitous devices), make audience interact with content offered in a programme rather than one way delivery.

Broadcasters are exploring continuously to offer content efficiently and effectively. Currently, DTT is the most efficient way to deliver content, especially content of appeal to majority and public service information including disaster management information. With IBB technologies and services, broadcasters are building a better relationship with its audience.

It is in this context that the ABU is partnering with ITU and NBTC in conducting a Regional Seminar on “Delivery Technologies and Business Models for Mobile Television Services” on 8th August in Bangkok. More information can be found on our ABU website below or linking through ITU.