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Three Pacific islands going Digital within next two years

ABU Pacific Media Partnership Conference concluded in Apia on Thursday 27 August 2015 with high expectations that Samoa, Tonga and Papua New Guinea could make transition to digital within coming two years.

Two days of extensive discussions and presentations from Pacific countries gave delegates various challenges and diversity in respective countries. On the third day of the conference,a summary of the challenges was reported to the delegates. Delegates were reminded of value of spectrum for broadcasters.

Pacific Community and Pacific Regional Environmental Programme will work with PMP, UNESCO, ITU and ABU to offer a platform and an opportunity for Pacific journalists to be exposed to media issues during the PMPC-2016 to be hosted my ABU member EMTV. Mr Francis Herman of PACMAS presented disaster recovery experience from Pacific point of view broadly taking Pam cyclone which devastated Vanuatu. Koroi’s presentation from Radio New Zealand presented the journalistic experience of reporting the event. NHK International presented disaster reporting at NHK in Japan by Mr Satoru ENOKIMARU, Head of NHK International.

The conference ended with presentations from NHK and NBTC enlightening possible future directions of broadcasting.  The next PMPC  will be hosted by ABU Pacific member EMTV from Papua New Guinea from 24th to 26th August 2016.