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ABU committed to serve audiences in the Asia-Pacific region

Enhancing services to members and empowering the media in Asia-Pacific is the centrepiece of the ABU 52nd General Assembly & Associated Meetings in Istanbul, Turkey, 24 – 31 October 2015.

More than 500 ABU members, experts and partners from Asia-Pacific and around the world will gather for the most important annual meeting of the Union. The 2015 General Assembly will be hosted by TRT, the Turkish public broadcaster, whose Director General, Mr Şenol Göka says that “TRT is attaching utmost importance to international collaboration, makes every effort to share its experiences and exchange opinions with broadcasting Uunion organizations and contributing to the broadcasting sector in this way.”

The ABU President, Mr Cho Dae-hyun, who is also the President and CEO of KBS-Korea, hopes that this year’s theme Serving Audiences: Empowering the Asia-Pacific will inspire us to have open and genuine communication in order to achieve our necessary goals and agendas. Empowering our member broadcasters in a dynamic media environment is at the core of ABU’s vision and stands as our most important and valuable contribution.”

The ABU Secretary-General, Dr Javad Mottaghi, says: “we believe that apart from touching the core of our mission to empower members to serve a collective 3.5 billion audience, this theme reflects our commitment to place media at the heart of national development in the Asia – Pacific region.”

The ABU General Assembly on 30- 31 October is preceded by six days committee meetings and workshops. The keynote topic of a Super Panel discussion on the final day will be “Serving Audiences: Empowering Society”. On the same day in the afternoon,   the Professional Discussion will focus on different issues relating to Spectrum.

Apart from the meetings, a line-up of 14 artists will perform at this year’s TV Song Festival on 28 October. The ABU Prizes attracted this year nearly 250 entries from 23 countries and the winners will be recognized at the 2015 ABU General Assembly Gala Awards ceremony in Istanbul on Friday 30 October.

More information on the 52nd ABU General Assembly can be found on the website.